Agency Name | The Day Worker Center of Santa Cruz County |
Categories | Immigration, Families , Education, Legal Services , Literacy , Medical and Wellness, Political , Resource Center |
Contact Name | Mireya Gomez-Contreras |
Agency Email | |
Agency Address | 2261 7th Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 |
Agency Phone | 831-475-9675 |
Web Address | |
Office Hours | 7:30-2pm Tuesday-Saturday |
Distance from Campus | 5 miles |
Nearest Bus Lines | 16,10, or 19 bus to metro station (Pacific Ave and Front St.) and transfer to 69 bus |
Mission Statement | The mission of the Day Worker Center in Santa Cruz County is to facilitate the hiring of day workers, both men and women; and to guarantee them dignified wages and safe working conditions in accordance with U.S. and California law. Additionally, the Center offers a variety of supportive services and training opportunities to its members to enrich their skill sets with the goal of providing quality services to the community. |
Volunteer Duties | Volunteer activities include but are not limited to: answering phone calls from employers, record-keeping, event-planning, marketing work, and setting up activities and workshops for workers and their families |
Notes |
Our center is always looking for volunteers, please join us! Updated 6/29/18 |